Saroja Subrahmanyan , Ph.D.

School of Economics & Business Administration (SEBA)
Office Location:
Power Plant Room 113
Professional Overview
Courses Taught:
- Marketing Research
- Marketing Management
- Marketing (Core course)
- Global Marketing
- Jan Term
- Seminar
Publications (in peer reviewed journals):
- Allen, R. E., Burns, C., Margitay-Becht,, A., Subrahmanyan, S. (in press). Social Capital and other Transaction Capital in Economic Development: Important Ontologies in Early-Stage Research. Research Agenda for Social Capital in Economic Development. Aldershot Hants (UK) and Brookfield, Vermont (U.S.): Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Subrahmanyan, S., Ravi Shankar, V. (2023). Lessons from focus group and online survey to collect data for creating brand perceptual map. Sage Research Methods: Business. SAGE Publications, Ltd. London, UK.
- Allen, R., Burns, C., Subrahmanyan, S. (2022). Addressing homelessness with the “human ecology economics” framework: The role of the business community in California. International Journal of Social Economics, 49(9).
- Viswanathan, M., Baskentli, S., Gallage, S., Martin, D., Ramirez-Grigortsuk, M., Subrahmanyan, S. (2021). “A Demonstration of Symbiotic Academic-Social Enterprise in Subsistence Marketplaces: Researching and Designing Customized Sustainability Literacy Education in Tanzania.” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing. 2021;40(2):245-261. doi:10.1177/0743915620968506
Extended Abstract / Poster Publications in Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings
- Subrahmanyan, S., 15th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Science of Motivation (SSM), "Over Consumption: Review and Future Research Agenda," Society for the Science of Motivation, Washington Hilton, Washington, DC, Washington, DC, United States. (May 25, 2023). Poster presentation.
Peer Conference Presentations
- Subrahmanyan, S., Weidner, K., Virtual Subsistence Marketplaces Conference, "Sustainable Corporate Strategies for Alleviating Homelessness: An Exploratory Analysis and Proposed Framework," Los Angeles, CA. (May 31, 2020).
- Subrahmanyan, S. (October 2018). “Flawless Myanmar,” presented during the Start-Up Case Workshop at the October 4-6, 2018, annual North American Case Research Association (NACRA) conference.
- Subrahmanyan, S. and Banbury C. (October 2018). “Sojourner's Way: New Market Possibilities,” presented during the Start-UpCase Workshop at the October 4-6, 2018 annual North American Case Research Association (NACRA) conference.
- PhD, Marketing. New York University, 1993;
- MPhil, Philosophy. New York University, 1991;
- MS, Statistics & Operations Research (w distinction). New York University, 1991;
- MBA, Master of Business Administration. Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, 1988;
- BTech, Chemical Engineering. Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, 1982.