Michael Hadani

Professional Overview
Bio: Michael Hadani (PhD- Syracuse University) is a Professor of Strategic Management at the
School of Economics and Business Administration at Saint Mary’s College of California.
Michael is a highly cited scholar of nonmarket strategies with work published at the top
management journals such as the Journal of Management, The Journal of Management
Studies, Journal of Business Research, Strategic Management Journal, Business and Society
and Strategic Organization, among others. He also served as a senior editor for the Journal of
Business Research and currently serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Management,
Strategic Organization and Business and Society. His work has been cited over 2000 times in
extant scholarship. He has presented in national and international conferences over 25 times in
the past 15 years.
Courses Taught:
- Becoming an Applied Scholar and Engaged Scholarship
- Strategy and Business Models for a Global Marketplace
- Business Strategy
- Global Business Strategy
- International Business
- Managing Global Competition
- Managing Strategic Innovation and Creativity for Competitive Advantages
- Strategic Management
- International Business and Global Competition
- Antisemitism and the Holocaust
- Hadani, M. (2024). To Toe the Party Line? The Impact of Firm and CEO Partisanship on Corporate Mass-Media Normative Legitimacy. Journal of Management, in press.
- Hadani. M. (2023) The impact of trustworthiness on the association of corporate social responsibility and irresponsibility on legitimacy. Journal of Management Studies. Early view, http://doi.org/10.1111/joms.12916
- Hadani, M., & Dahan, N. (2023). Critical Perspectives on Corporate Political Activities (CPA): Emergence, Importance, and Future Directions. Journal of Business Research, http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2023.114040
- Hadani, M., Aksu, B., Coombes, S. (2021). 15 minutes of fame? The impact of media visibility and media reputation on the relationship between corporate political activity and government contract awards. Academy of Management Discoveries, 7(1), 57-84. http://digitalcommons.shandongzhongyu.com/school-economics-business-faculty-works/1094
- Hadani, M. (2020). The Reputational Costs of Corporate Litigation: Long-Term Media Reputation Damages to Firms’ Involvement in Litigation. Corporate Reputation Review, In press.
- Dahan, N., Di Gregorio, D., Seeton, A., Hadani, M. (2019). Beyond beauty contests: Benchmarking undergraduate international business education programs according to best practice adoption. Thunderbird International Business Review, 61(6), 961-975. http://digitalcommons.shandongzhongyu.com/school-economics-business-faculty-works/1096
- PhD, Strategy and Human Resources. Syracuse University, Syracuse, 2006.
- MA, Social and Organizational Psychology. Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 2000.
- BA, Psychology. Hebrew University, 1996.